Capacity supply setup new Lab BIO

Capacity supply setup new Lab BIO

Overall equipment for the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Microbiology

  • Sample preparation equipment
  1. Technical weighing, analysis…
  2. pH meter, DO, TDS, Karl Fisher…
  3. Ultra-clean water purifier, 1.2 times water distiller
  4. Hoods
  5. Thermostat tank
  6. Autoclave Sterilizer
  7. Incubator, CO2 incubator, microclimate cabinet
  8. Sample storage cabinets, deep freezers
  9. Shaker, vortex, magnetic stirrer..
  10. Centrifuge …
  • Treatment Sample equipment
  1. Automatic DNA extraction machine.
  2. Cell destructive ultrasound machine, sample homogenizer
  3. DNA and RNA concentration meter
  4. Colony counter
  5. Biological safety cabinets, PCR cabinets…
  6. Test kits and biological products…
  • Analysis equipment
  1. Optical microscopes perform the FISH . technique
  2. PCR machine, RT-PCR
  3. Gene Sequencing Machine
  4. Elisa Machine
  5. UV-VIS . Spectrophotometer
  6. Capillary electrophoresis machine
  7. System of analysis of amino acids, micronutrients, diagnosis of metabolic disorders
  8. Automatic urine testing machine….